The last of winter wonderland and the arrival of spring’s brightness

Dear Members, 


As we leave exam week behind us and spring comes along, the sun rays become once again a part of our day to day, one can’t help but think that April showers bring May flowers. However, that saying might not entirely apply to Bright as we try to make sure that May flowers is the constant for our members by aiming to host anticipated and well received events through the whole year.


Hence, it’s no surprise that the third period has brought forward a collection of great events. The festivities of the new year were extended when Bright Nights collaborated with Nightli to host a fun party evening for Bright members and the general public alike. Strobe lights piercing through the dark room along vibrant beats coloured the dance floor as people let go of their post exam week worries and simply let loose.



During this period, Bright Minds accomplished a first amongst the university’s student association by invigorating an exhibition in collaboration with the KTH Library. Strangers’ Minds was an installation fuelled by people’s diverse anonymous thoughts and emotions along with lessons they have acquired through life with the aim of comforting and inspiring KTH students and any library visitor alike. We at Bright were extremely touched by people’s warm and positive reception to the concept and hope to continue creating similar things in which anyone can contribute to creating an event of similar sorts. After all, the more we are collaborating, the bigger the impact.


Along with a new period, comes chances to try out new things and we at Bright are no strangers to trying out new things. For that reason, it was about time that we explored a new world cuisine. This time around Bright Bites organised for us to feast at Jébena, and get a taste of the East African kitchen. Bright Members gathered, dressed as colourful as the food that was served and explored a new food culture surrounded by the soundscape of vivid conversations.


Bright as an association has been built and nurtured by a number of individuals since its creation, something we are extremely proud of and grateful for. Therefore, it’s self-evident for us to take some time to highlight and uplift these individuals. This time around, we decided to take everyone back to when and where it all began by having one of Bright’s founders, Fuad Alam, be the subject for the first ever Bright Profile. Fuad shared the reason he and his co-founders decided to start Bright, their obstacles as well as his aspirations once they started and what he hopes the association develops into. If you wish to read the profile in its entirety click here!


Every great team needs new members, successors that will continue the work and develop new, better things. This applies just as much to Bright, accordingly it’s now possible for Bright members and KTH students alike to apply to be a part of the Bright Board 24/25. Do you wish to have a greater impact on the association? To introduce something new that you think will further support Bright Members, then make sure to apply by clicking here!