for Bright Nights

Description of role:


The head of Bright Nights plays an essential role in organizing events that help members blow off some steam. The goal is to create fun, socially sustainable ”afterschool” events that range from parties to varied events where creativity speaks as for example E-sport tournaments. The primary task is to host pub nights at KTH but the role also entails creative freedom to host events that will entice all members.

As the Head of Bright Nights you have varied tasks. The task depends on what type of event it is. The process usually starts with visualizing the event, contacting sections/companies for a collaboration and setting up a date for a meeting. The next step is to plan the event with the project group and set up the date to implement the idea.

Qualities we are looking for: 


Leadership & creative minds: Being able to lead a project group and assign tasks that should lead to good service, working smooth and professional. Form good relationships with the board, members and partners. Be creative and make ideas become reality, be able to absorb criticism and demand to improve your events no matter how good or bad they turn out. 

Stress tolerance & courage: Stress tolerance and courage are essentials as there may be periods that may require more planning than what you are used to depending on the obstacles you face. To handle situations in a professional way and dare to test your limits.


The best part of Nights:

The best thing about Nights is that you get to experience the feeling of your idea of ​​a perfect event to implement it to reality. You get to meet a lot of new people who come and vibe together. Bright Nights is a place where all students should feel welcome and where community is formed.